I feel the need to actually put this down in writing, because something is happening in Boston right now that has only been seen once before in baseball history. That's right, only once.
It is without questions that Manny Ramirez and David Ortiz are the best hitting duo in all of baseball right now.
I mean, who else?? Giambi and A-Rod? Hmmm, an admitted juicer and the least clutch player in baseball, I don't think so.

This kid has more creditbility in that wee little finger than Giambi does in his entire bloated mess of a body. The fact that an admittedly juiced up Giambino (gayest....name....ever) hit TWO home runs off Pedro in game 7 of the 2003 ALCS, long before the Grady Little fiasco, really grinds my gears!
Fuck you Jason. Fuck you.

"My locker combination? It's 6-4-3, why do you ask?"
Pujols and Rolen/Edmonds? While Prince Albert is admittedly sick (although, he's is about as close to 26 years old as the new Pope is) the second half of the duo just does not hold up.

Albert Pujols in an undated photo
However, Papi and Manny's dominance extends further than just the current day. The fact is, they apparently are the second greatest pair of teammates, in regards to offensive production, in the history of baseball!!
Now, it goes without saying that
Babe Ruth and
Lou Gerhig are absolutely untouchable. It pains me to say it since they are Yankees, but there is no comparison.
However, the fact is, Manny and Ortiz are apparently second.
Mantle and Maris only had one dominant year.
The Willies for the Giants (Mays and McCovy) careers didn't intersect during each other's primes.
Same for Hank Aaron and Eddie Mathews.
In 2004, Ortiz/Manny combined for 84 HRs and 269 RBIs.
In 2005, they combined for 92 HRs and 292 RBIs.
Now, Ruth and Gerhig have numerous season together where they've eclipsed these numbers.
But, as far as my research can tell, they are the only ones.

Papi and Manny are due up???
No es bueno!
Here are some other teammates best years for combined stats;
Eddie Mathews and Hank Aaron
1959; 85 HRs and 237 RBIs (Homers are close, RBIs are not)
1960; 79 HRs and 250 RBIs
Mantle and Maris
1961; 115 HRs (FUCK!!) 270 RBIs (Obviously many more homers, but not even close to Man-Paps 2005 RBI #s)
A-Rod and Sheffield
2005; 82 HRs and 253 RBIs (Nope and nope)
Coincidentally, the Red Sox had another set of teammates that were also dominant.
Ted Williams and
Vern Stephens (who?) tore up the AL between 1948 - 1950.
Check out their combined numbers for 1949
82 HRs and 318 RBIs !!!!!!!
However, I tend to discount this tandem due to the fact that it was an uneven partnership.
You see, AL hurlers were so ri-God-damn-diculously afraid of Ted Williams, that Stephens was practically hand-delivered his pitches on a batting tee. In 1951, when Teddy Ballgame was called to duty for the Korean war, Stephens numbers fell off the map and he was soon out of baseball for good.
Another group of teammates worth mentioning are the menacing trioka from the 1990s Cleveland Indians;
Albert Belle, Jim Thome, and.......Manny Ramirez!
However, their career peaks didn't perfectly intersect either.
Manny didn't become truly dominant until after Belle left, and Thome didn't until after Manny left.
Plus, Belle was perhaps the biggest cunt ever to don a baseball uniform.
He made Ty Cobb look like Mike Brady (with the HIV and everything!)

Everyone sing! "He's an
The world's biggest asshole!
A! SS! HO! LE!
Long story short....Manny and Papi are making baseball history.
Perhaps what makes it most enjoyable is that neither have ever been mentioned in any steriod whispers whatsoever.
Be sure to take a moment to enjoy!!!
Man-Pap update 7/7/06!
Combined to go 4 for 8 last night with 3 homers and 8 rbis.
On pace to finish 2006 with 105 HRs and 290 RBIs!!!!
Man-Pap update 8/1/06
Combined to go 4 for 8 last night with 3 homers and 6 rbis.
On pace to finish 2006 with 104 HRs and 297 RBIs!!!!
Man-Pap update 8/10/06
Manny and Ortiz now lead the AL in just about every significant offensive category.
King David is #1 in HRs and RBIs
Manny is #1 in Slugging %, Walks, and OPS, is 2nd in On Base %, and 8th in Batting Average.
Of course, Man-Pap is not getting much help from their teammates lately and therefore the Sox have lost 4 of 5 to the D-Rays and Royals to fall 3 games behing the Yankees and 1 1/2 out of the Wildcard. Doh!!!!

Thank God these girls got the "expose breasts/shirt puller" dynamic correct here.