We stink and we are generally bad people
Okay, this morning my sweetie and I were waiting for our train.
We made it to the train station on time, which was a minor miracle seeing as I am rocking on 3 hours sleep today, only to find out that our 8:01 departure to Boston had been cancelled.
Next train wasn't schedule to meander through the station until 8:30, which meant we would both be late for work... once again.
In the meantime, an express train pulls through our station. By express, I mean it was an express to Boston from its origination point somewhere further up the line and was not scheduled to stop at our station.
However, sweetie and I were of the opinion that since our train was cancelled, the express should make an unscheduled stop and pick up the stranded passengers. There was only about 20 of us, so it wouldn't be like we'd be overcrowding the fucker.
Well, once it became apparrent that the express train wasn't stopping (for safety reasons, it mosies through the station at a tantilizing 5 mph... almost teasing your cock into thinking it is going to stop) sweetie and I made the informed decision to hawk loogies (yes both of us) onto the train's windows. So, we did so and felt better about our places in this suck life.
It wasn't until I arrived at work (a half hour late) that I found out that our original train was cancelled because it struck and killed a pedestrian a few stops up. Apparently, we live on a rather murderous section of rail seeing as this was the second death in a 24 hour period on our line.
Anyways, feeling kinda bad about hawking loogies on the express train.
The lesson (as always) is the title of the story.
Crap! Late for work again!
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