You know you want it. So here it is.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

No He Wasn't.

This is yet another example of why I dislike religion and religious people.
This is a story about a survivor of the awful Cory Lidle plane crash in New York. Apparently this women was in the same room that the plane hit, but managed to escape.

Her Brother-in-law is quoted as saying;

"I'm telling you it's an absolute miracle that she's alive. I honestly believe that God was sitting on her shoulder."

Really? Was He???
Riddle me this Batman, if God was sitting on her shoulder, then why the FUCK did an airplane hit her fucking bedroom??????

I'd bet that God was nowhere near the scene of this tragedy.

What's that? You have an itch?


Blogger Randi said...

I like you, Beetle. You think outside the box.

6:10 PM


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