This Could Only Happen in Steven King's Home State
This thing is fucking awesome.
I love it when backwoods Maine hick folklore is proven true.
One question regarding the story, an eyewitness claims to have had a face to face encounter with this beast when it was still alive and claimed; " had a horrible stench I will never forget".
Why the fuck would a living animal have a horrible stench??
As a matter of fact, now that I've thought it over, this whole story has a horrible stench.....of bullshit!
It's just a little too convenient that the wildlife officials and animal control offices neglected to exam the carcass. Then the carcass was picked clean by vultures.
I mean, how hard is it to doctor up a photo and send it to the local paper? Not hard.
Shenanigans! I call shenanigans!!!
Shenanigans or no, good story.
10:56 AM
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