Proof That Some Countries Are Just Much Cooler Than Ours
New Zealand; No longer the shrimp to Australia's barbie!
Clearly this is the best line in the whole story;
"They also were told police had approved the parade and would be in attendance to ensure road safety."
Memo to New Zealand criminal masterminds, plan a bank heist on the other side of town while this event is happening.
Something tells me that your opposition will be minimal.
If he were still alive, Neil McCauley would be all over the New Zealand National Savings Bank on August 25th.
Everyone sing!
"IIIIIIIIIIIII love a parade!"
I wonder if we got any more hits because of your link. I didn't see anymore comments, but then again, I don't know who anonymous is, so we may very well have. So, if even a few more people checked us out because of you, thanks!
And I agree with Requiem, but I don't consider it horror. Still scary as all hell to think about. And as for IMDB calling it horror (something I noticed a while ago as well), see my post called "English as a first language?" for how intelligent the average IMDB peruser is.
3:58 PM
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