You know you want it. So here it is.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Boldly Reinforcing Stereotypes

Just to clarify, I firmly believe that most stereo types are mean spirited.
However, it always cracks me up (or in these cases, completely enrages me) when members of a particular nationality, ethnic group, etc. blatantly do ridiculous things to set their own heritage back a century or so.
A couple of examples;

Is there any question as to what nation this woman is a descendent of?

Here's a hint.

What about this guy?

Another hint

So, to review;
We have a dumb yuppie broad who crawls on her hands and knees all day in grocery stores just to score free stuff.
Then we have a lawyer who sues a ball club for giving away free hand bags to mothers...on FUCKING MOTHERS DAY!!!!!!

Mel....can I get a little help here?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be honest, Beetle. Don't give that "don't want to reinforce stereotypes" shit--you're obviously doing it and loving it. If that's the kind of person you want to be, there you have it. if it's not, maybe you should think before you write.

9:59 PM

Blogger Beetle said...

Hey fuckass;
I never said "I don't want to reinforce stereotypes"
I said;
"I firmly believe that most stereo types are mean spirited."
However, I also said that I find it hilarious when members of certain races, cultures, creeds, etc reinforce their own stereotypes.
If you can't handle that, then please stop visiting here and return to the safety of suckling on your mother's bosom.

8:18 AM


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