The 10 Gayest Cars Ever
I never intended this to be a "lists" website, but I am sorta on a lists roll.
Be sure to also check out Macca's Annoying Gym Members and TMTMTL's Top 25 Horror Flicks that are spread out over 3 parts.
10. The Porsche Boxster
Famously referred to as a "Pussy Porsche" by Tony Soprano, the Boxster was Porsche's attempt to target the yet untapped "Guppie" (Gay Yuppie) market. A very brilliant and very gay move by Porsche. I'll never look at a 911 Carrera the same way again.
9. SAAB 900 (1980s) models.
SAAB has since "manned" this car up quite a bit, but when it first came out (pun alert!) it was SUSPECT!! I can't quite pin the reason down though. Perhaps it was the slanted rear, or maybe because it was SAAB's first real splash into the American market and let's face it, SAAB sounds like the last name of a gay porn actor.
Ass Crammers 3, starring Barry SAAB
8. (Tie) Geo Tracker and Toyota RAV4
This is a tie only because the RAV4 is a blatant, although MUCH better made, ripoff of the Tracker. Both are equally feminine. Defenders of these vehicles try to pass them off as trucks. Yeah, just like Brian Boytano tries to pass himself off as an athlete.
6. The Mini Cooper
This spooge-fart on wheels should be rated higher on this list, but it gained a touch a credibility when Mike Myers, Matt Damon, and Ed Norton all zipped around in Minis in various major motion pictures. Well played Mini, well played.
5. Renault's Le Car
Perhaps the original rainbow wagon, real men loved nothing more than taunting the drivers of these vehicles by blowing by them in their GTOs and Chargers. Unfortunately, the Le Car drivers would have the last high pitched feminine chuckle as they kept driving past gas stations.
On the plus side, this was the #3 search result for "Le Car" on Google Images. Nice! I needed that!
4. The Honda Insight
As if being an environmentalist tree hugging dork wasn't bad enough, if you were caught dead tooling around in one of these abominations, there was only one possible explanation...twinkle toes.
3. VW Beetle
Having the nickname "Beetle" since grade school is bad enough. Having to share said nickname with this rolling HIV machine is just plain agitating.
2. Honda Del Sol
Honda's target market for this car was single chics with not a care (or child) in the world. Somewhere along the way, things went horribly horribly wrong.
And the winner for gayest car ever....
1. Black Honda Prelude
Hahaha, just kidding! One of my buddies has this car. Of course his is held together by toilet paper rolls and bailing wire.
1. (For real this time) Mazda Miata
Come on. Was there ever a question?
That's fuckin' right!! Miatas are for pussy assclowns. I don't even know why they even make any of the cars on this list; they're for pillowbiters. Why anyone would own any of the cars on this list is beyond reason -- by owning one of these cars you're just announcing to the world that you're a shitpacker.
You should do more top 10 car lists like "Top 10 Blue-Shirt-and-Khakis Guys' Cars," "Top 10 Cars for People Who Do Top 10 Car Lists," "Top 10 Cars That Obey Stereotypes," etc.
1:44 PM
That's fuckin' right!! Miatas are for pussy assclowns. I don't even know why they even make any of the cars on this list; they're for pillowbiters. Why anyone would own any of the cars on this list is beyond reason -- by owning one of these cars you're just announcing to the world that you're a shitpacker.
You should do more top 10 car lists like "Top 10 Blue-Shirt-and-Khakis Guys' Cars," "Top 10 Cars for People Who Do Top 10 Car Lists," "Top 10 Cars That Obey Stereotypes," etc.
1:44 PM
Isn't that Macca's Prelude? LOL. I can't believe you called my Beetle a rolling HIV machine. Thank God I'm a chick. Though since mine is a Turbo S 6 speed I call her a transvestite. A chick car w/ balls.
2:12 PM
Hahaha Sorry Randi.
Actually, there is nothing wrong with owning any of these cars....if you are a girl. I am pretty sure most of these cars were designed with girls in mind.
And the award for the best hate-speech rant of the day goes to.....Anonymous! Congratulations!
2:22 PM
I wish I had a Prelude lol.
Nice post dude. I didn't know Miatas came in pink... that just uber-gays it up.
9:16 PM
Ha ha ha! Great post!
it's like this fag over here
"I have never had a pedicure before, and I must say: it was divine. That's right. I drive a Miata, wear women's tennis shoes, enjoy Tab cola, and get free pedicures. What's your point?"
The point is DRIVE A FUCKING MAN'S CAR!!! Or get the hell out of my f-150's way!
anonymous is right. you should do a post on the top 10 cars a MAN should be driving to not look like a fairy (f-150, explorer, f-350 dually...)
I hate fags. keep up the GOOD POSTS, BEETLE!
10:10 PM
Hi Jeremy,
That is sorta of like a gay bodybuilder, powerful....but still gay.
Everyone else, glad you like the post. Let's ease up on the hating though. We're just having some fun here.
8:30 AM
Nothing like a healthy dose of gay bashing. Jesus Christ. Are all your readers from the midwest?
5:11 PM
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