Caption This! Motherfuckers!, the official webpage for the Boston Globe, has a weekly segment asking readers to create there own caption for humorous photos. Of course, since the Boston Globe considers themselves to be a highly reputable news source, it is a guarantee that all responses will be as lame as possible and absolutely devoid of any actually humor.
Here is today's picture along with a sample to actually reader's "humorous" captions. (Sorry I can't link to it directly, it is a registration only type of thing)
Take notice that some dillweed named "Woodman" has posted half the responses and even uses a duplicate substituting "Red Sox" for "Yankees".
Two comments for Woodman;
1. You are a comic genius.
2. If I had a way of tracking you down, I would kill you.
At the end is the caption I submitted. The rest of my work day will consist of refreshing the page to see if they have enough balls to actually post it.
Posted by Woodman on 11:13 AM
Hey kid, when you grow up don't ever let your mommy dress you.
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Message #752.22 in response to #752.1
Posted by Mr.Slave on 11:16 AM
Sombody call DSS immediately.
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Message #752.23 in response to #752.1
Posted by Woodman on 11:17 AM
As the trading deadline nears, the Boston Red Sox were out scouting potential talent to add to their roster.
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Message #752.24 in response to #752.1
Posted by GlenLcc on 11:17 AM
Cindy Sheehan and President Bush meet face to face
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Message #752.25 in response to #752.1
Posted by Woodman on 11:18 AM
I really wanted to be an Oscar Mayer weiner, but this is the best I could do.
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Message #752.26 in response to #752.1
Posted by mdidonna on 11:20 AM
"AAAHHH!!!!, A Baby, RUN AWAY!!!"
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Message #752.27 in response to #752.1
Posted by Woodman on 11:21 AM
As the trading deadline nears, the NY Yankees were out scouting potential talent to add to their roster. Seems like a good fit to me.
Beetle: "Touchy" The Clown is handed another victim on a silver platter.
Hey! Guess what, they posted my caption!
I guess it wasn't too racy, but usually molestation humor doesn't go over too well with the P.C. crowd. Kudos to
Now to see if I get chosen as one of the top 5!
11:49 AM
"All that was heard were gasps and the slick sound of plopping wetness as Crushy the Clown clapped his hands together like cymbals."
2:40 PM
I truly could not have said that any better. So, are the Stone Cutters responsible for Ray Romano being a star as well?
Caption for the picture:
"Suddenly everyone regretted having hired the discount entertainer 'Mumbles, the child molesting clown'."
4:48 PM
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